So, a couple of days ago, I accidentally thought a thought that I wish I hadn't though. Are you following me? Call me superstitious, but I believe that you get to a point in your life when thoughts like "life's easy right now" or "gosh, we haven't had a hard time in a couple of months, how nice" etch across your mind. And it usually means that things are going to get really hard really fast. Those are the fateful words I thought a few days ago. Don't get me wrong, I know that life is not supposed to be easy. I know that I grow the most when I'm in the "depths of despair" (Anne of Green Gables is my hero by the way).
Anyways, as soon as I thought that everything was going smoothly, our lives are turned upside down. I have realized that even though our lives don't go the way we think they should, they go the right ways. I am trying to be open to God's plan for us, especially when it is directly opposite to our own plan.
I guess it's okay. I really do like packing after all.
Fighting Forgiveness
5 years ago
So are you moving? Lady I need more precise details than this! I can help youuuuuuuu!
OH my! What are your plans?
Bri - I'd give you more precise details if I had them... I think we're moving. I don't know where. We're selling our contract anyways. Everywhere we've looked at has been gross... so we're still looking.
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